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How To Make Interactive Leaflet Tiles From GridLayer

By extending GridLayer, you can return a custom div element to load your own visual for each tile based on the coordinate. For what I want to do, I want to make each tile responsiv

Solution 1:

First, be aware that Leaflet sets the CSS pointer-events property to none to the tile containers:

.leaflet-tile-container {
    pointer-events: none;

Even if you attach event handlers to the tiles, no events will reach those event handlers.

You can, however, override the value of that CSS property using a CSS class on the GridLayer and CSS rules, or by setting the value of that property on a per-tile basis (BTW do read the note about pointer events targeting descendants of an element with pointer-events: none).

So I can do something like

grid.createTile = function (coords) {
  var tile = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'tile-hoverable');

  // Ensure that this tile will respond to pointer events,
  // by setting its CSS 'pointer-events' property programatically = 'initial';

  // Attach some event handlers to this particular tile
  L.DomEvent.on(tile, 'mouseover', function(){ = 'red';
  L.DomEvent.on(tile, 'mouseout', function(){ = 'transparent';

  return tile;

You can see a working example here.

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