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Table Heading Repeat While Printing

I have used table for display the list of records. It have lot of rows and columns. If I print this table the table heading display in first page. After the first page the headings

Solution 1:

Try adding this in your CSS :

  @media print
   thead {display: table-header-group;}

Solution 2:

Here is the sample First, you have to explicitly define the table head and table body:

     <th>First Heading</th>
     <th>Second Heading</th>
     <th>Third Heading</th>

    . . .


If you want printing to work, you need to have an explicit declaration. Next, you just need a single line of CSS to get things going:

              @media print {
thead {display: table-header-group;}

This will force most browsers to repeat the contents of thead node on every printed page.

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