ReadyState Issue With HTML5 Video Elements On Ios Safari
Solution 1:
From the Apple developer documentation:
Note: The preload attribute is supported in Safari 5.0 and later. Safari on iOS never preloads.
According to Apple the desired behavior on a mobile device is that loading only starts after you actively request the resource so as to not waste bandwidth or battery.
Regarding your question this means that Apple is adhering to the spec. Since no preload occurs and loading only starts after you click the play button the readyState
is zero before that point in time.
However, the video
tag has special events which are supposed to give more information than readyState
Again, quoting the Apple developer library (Using DOM Events to monitor load progress)
Note: On the iPad, Safari does not begin downloading until the user clicks the poster or placeholder. Currently, downloads begun in this manner do not emit progress events.
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