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How To Use Spring Security To Custom Login Page?

I am using Spring Security to my application and here is the security part which authenticates the user but the login page is given by Spring Security: @EnableWebSecurity public cl

Solution 1:

Just want to pinpoint a few moments that were not clarified here.

  1. First of all, .loginPage("/login.html") won't do the trick (it didn't in my case anyway). What is in quotes here is an URL path that will be searched for in your controller. Here is the snippet from my security config file:


Here I wrote "/login". So now in your controller define that the /login path should point to your login.html page.

    publicStringlogin() {

Only then it should redirect to the required view page. I usually place view pages under the /webapp/WEB-INF/view folder. P.S. I hope you configured your ViewResolver bean right, cos otherwise it won't work :)

  1. And one more thing. I see you wanna use some CSS for the page. To enable CSS and other static resources for your custom login page, you should add this line


So, in the end it will be like that (very short and creepy version, but your custom login should work):

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {


FYI, place your resources under /webapp/resources/. Also, you should configure your resource handler in your spring configuration file.

Here is also a nice link to wrap your head around it:

Solution 2:

See Spring Security Reference:

While the automatically generated log in page is convenient to get up and running quickly, most applications will want to provide their own log in page. To do so we can update our configuration as seen below:

protectedvoidconfigure(HttpSecurity http)throws Exception {
          .loginPage("/login") 1
          .permitAll();        2

1 The updated configuration specifies the location of the log in page. 2 We must grant all users (i.e. unauthenticated users) access to our log in page. The formLogin().permitAll() method allows granting access to all users for all URLs associated with form based log in.

Your modified code:

publicvoidconfigure(HttpSecurity httpSecurity)throws Exception {

Solution 3:


loginFormUrl must be started with "/" or a absolute url. and make sure the request /login.html can be handled right.

BTW: if you didn't config the processing url, the processing url will be same with login page(/login.html) url with post method, but in your login page, the action url is /home.html, please config the processing url to '/home.html'


And CSRF is enabled by default, I can't find any CSRF token in your login form. you can disable csrf or request with token.


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