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Clear Textarea And Reset Character Count Of Textarea

I have a text area. Underneath the text area I can display the count of the characters in the text area as the user types. I also have a button for the user to clear the contents o

Solution 1:

I notice a few problems in your code. First you are not resetting the textarea when you click the clear. Second, you are binding a new event handler each time you call resetCharacterCount().

You should create a method that is responsible only for re-calculating the text count and display it. And you bind the events to textarea only on start up. Here is a working example: (Note that I don't know what numberal is, but I believe it is formatting the word count, so all I did is to comment it up)

$(document).ready(function() {
    // bind displaying the character count of the text area to the keyup event (function on base.html).var id_objective_details_elem = $('#id_objective_details');
    // bind the eventbindCharacterCount('id_objective_details', 'id_char_count');
    // calculate the word count on setup, 'id_char_count');
    // bind onClick event to reset button
    $('#id_icon_reset').click(function(e) {
        // clear the text in textarea

functiondisplayCharacterCount(id2) {
    var charCount = $(this).val().length;
    // uncomment the following line in your production project// numeral.language('{{ LANGUAGE_CODE }}');// var charCount = numeral($(this).val().length).format('0,0');
    $("#" + id2).text(charCount);

functionbindCharacterCount(id1, id2) {
    $('#' + id1).bind("keyup focus blur change", function () {, id2);

functionresetCharacterCount() {
    // instead of binding the events again, directly call displayCharacterCount$('#id_objective_details'), 'id_char_count');

functionfocusTextArea() {


Solution 2:

I try this and it's work!

<textareacols="40"id="id_objective_details"maxlength="1000"name="objective_details"rows="10">Test</textarea><spanid="id_char_count"></span><span> of 1,000 character limit</span><iid="id_icon_reset"class="fa fa-ban blue_color icon_size20"rel="tooltip"html="true"data-placement="top"onclick="resetCharacterCount();focusTextArea();"title="Clear">clear</i><scriptsrc=""></script><script>

$(document).ready(function() {

functionresetCharacterCount() {

functionfocusTextArea() {

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